Tuesday, May 17, 2011

My Liquor experience

just call me tryna..i am going to tell you mt first experience drinking some heavy alcohol,though i already taste alcohol in my grade school year but with some mix of cola in it but  just like if you taste it it just all cola..lol
my family called me a drinking master because of an unforgettable event that happen to me
when i was about 6 or 7 years old i think .it happen because of my curiosity ,i saw those man fixing the motor of a boat and they sip something in there using the tube of course :) so i wonder if what it taste like, so with out them noticing i snip into it and sip it as well..my parents are trailed because of what just i did.. and yes i drunk the gasoline.. but I'm fine now no damage at all in my body..lol XD

then my liquor experience was when i am in my fourth year high school..again because of my curiosity : why do drunk people doesn't remember anything after they got drunk?::: so i i try to drink heavy alcohol together with my friends at there' house
a gen mix with juice powder maybe approximately it was 2.5 liter i think. it's just too much for the 3 of us to drink specially for me coz its my first time..then i was just seating there while drinking that drink and when i try to get up i said to my self:: wa..looks like im flying! really guy's it's just like your walking in the air..then they laugh.:XD
hours past after we finish the drinks my friend got the motorcycle she told us to have some fresh air..so we rode in it 3 in one motorcycle..
we roam around the street then stop by for a moment beside the seaside then i feel like vomiting but did'nt come out..<ewww>

we laugh again thinking what if it did come out..disgusting: again we rode in the motorcycle and happen to saw some of our gals: boys particularly: they where practicing dancing that time..we just watch them and they asked whats up with us..so we old them that where drunk..then left we drove again and stop by in front of our school primary school.not far to where our guy pal is...then my friend who drove the motor cycle loss her strength, the 3 of us where pulled in the ground were not hurt though..then the boys run over us to see what happen..and because of a shame we ride back at motor for instance thent drove back home with out saying good ye to them..

then when i got home i didn't went in to our house because my parents are still awake..because of fear i try to act that i am going to comfort room..then when i look up the sky it really makes me think the world is round..lol my vision where all the things i see moving round and round and round!! it's so funny when i think of it..i just laugh at my self
i just enter the house when my parents where going to sleep the.. my younger sister where there as well at the sala+ living room, then i enter with out them knowing i drunk..i do vomit though when i was on bed i try to make no sound because my room is just near at my parents room..
in morning hang over all around my head..
that's the end of my story till now my parents didn't know that i got drunk..ha ha "sorry"

by the way:

my curiosity though got an answer..i do remember everything what happen when i got drunk so what's up with them telling that they didn't remember anything!!!!:::::::


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